Frân Wen is turning a city centre shop into a multi-media quest for first-time experiences!
In Development is Frân Wen Young Company’s exploration of the first big steps young people take, the first-time experiences that define us, and the pressure that come with them.
The young collective has taken over the shop in Bangor’s Deiniol Shopping Centre to create space that explores and shares their first-hand experiences through video, music, spoken word, sculptures and installations.
Working with visual artist Rhys Grail, musician Ifan Pritchard and author Mared Llywelyn, they have tackled issues such as the pressure and expectation on young people, what is the definition of a normal young person and how does it feel to be a young person today.
Frân Wen Young Company create ambitious, multi-disciplinary theatre that celebrates what it means to be a young person in North West Wales today. They have been camped in the shop for 3 weeks, but the work is a culmination of their last 12 months with Frân Wen.
Launching on Saturday 28 August, In Development will be open to visitors for 4 weeks.
For more information visit
Camwch mewn i fyd amlddisgyblaethol o brofiadau cyntaf pobl ifanc wrth i ni drawsnewid siop yng nghanol dinas Bangor.
Mewn Datblygiad yw archwiliad Cwmni Ifanc Frân Wen o’r camau cyntaf enfawr mae pobl ifanc yn eu cymryd, y profiadau cyntaf sy’n ein diffinio a’r disgwyliadau a ddaw gyda hynny.
Mae’r grŵp ifanc, gyda chefnogaeth artistiaid proffesiynol, wedi cymryd drosodd y siop yng Nghanolfan Siopa Deiniol Bangor i greu gofod sy’n archwilio a rhannu drwy fideo, cerddoriaeth, ‘spoken word’ a chelf weledol.
Gan weithio gyda’r artist gweledol Rhys Grail, y cerddor Ifan Pritchard a’r awdur Mared Llywelyn, mae’r bobl ifanc wedi mynd i’r afael â materion fel y pwysau a’r disgwyliad ar bobl ifanc heddiw, beth yw’r diffiniad o berson ifanc arferol a sut mae’n teimlo i fod yn berson ifanc heddiw?
Mae Cwmni Ifanc Frân Wen yn creu theatr amlddisgyblaethol uchelgeisiol sy’n dathlu’r hyn y mae’n ei olygu i fod yn berson ifanc yng Ngogledd Orllewin Cymru heddiw. Mae’r criw ifanc wedi perchnogi’r siop ers 3 wythnos ond mae’r gwaith yn benllanw o 12 mis o weithio gyda Frân Wen.
Yn lansio dydd Sadwrn 28 Awst, bydd Mewn Datblygiad ar agor i ymwelwyr am 4 wythnos.
Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i