PARADE is stepping up, NDCWales

September 26, 2017 by


One of a series of trailers created for P.A.R.A.D.E. based around 4 theories of Russian Montage, Metric, Overtonal, Rhythmic and the montage of Attraction. Russian montage theory came into existence after the 1917 revolution, NDCWales has used this as a concept for the trailers to honour the way this theory changed filmmaking as part of the cultural revolution.

Un o gyfres o rag-hysbysebion ar gyfer P.A.R.A.D.E. wedi eu seilio ar 4 damcaniaeth cyfosodiadau Rwsaidd, Metrig, Awgrymog, Rhythmig a chyfosodiad atyniad. Daeth y ddamcaniaeth gyfosod Rwsaidd ddod i fod yn dilyn Chwyldro 1917, ac mae CDCCymru wedi defnyddio’r cysyniad hwn yn y rhag-hysbysiadau er mwyn talu teyrnged i’r ffordd y llwyddodd y ddamcaniaeth hon newid y broses o greu ffilmiau fel rhan o’r chwyldro diwylliannol.


24-25 October | Hydref
Wales Millenium Centre | Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru

28-29 October | Hydref

Revolution is in the air – join the P.A.R.A.D.E

Featuring dance, music and a renegade aerial robot, P.A.R.A.D.E. is an epic spectacle created by National Dance Company Wales and the artist Marc Rees.

The momentum gathers outside and protest builds as speakers take to the stage – but is everything as it seems? As you’re guided through an art-installation to take your seats in the theatre you’ll hear the glorious sound of BBC National Orchestra of Wales and be immersed in two dance pieces: a new commission by Marcos Morau, Tundra, and the rarely seen Parade, choreographed by NDCWales artistic director Caroline Finn.

Yn cynnwys dawns, cerddoriaeth a robot awyr afreolus mae P.A.R.A.D.E. yn wledd i’r llygaid wedi ei greu gan Gwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru a’r artist Marc Rees.

Ymunwch â ni tu allan wrth i’r protestiadau fagu stêm ac wrth i’r areithwyr ddringo i’r llwyfan – ond a yw popeth fel yr ymddengys? Wrth i chi gael eich tywys trwy’r gosodiad-celfyddydol er mwyn mynd i’ch seddau yn y theatr, fe fyddwch yn clywed sain gogoneddus Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC a’ch trochi mewn dau ddarn o ddawns: comisiwn newydd gan Marcos Morau, Tundra, a’r darn nas gwelir ond yn hynod anfynych sef Parade, a goreograffwyd gan gyfarwyddwr artistig CDCCymru Caroline Finn.


24-25 October | Hydref
Wales Millenium Centre | Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru

28-29 October | Hydref

Revolution is in the air – join the P.A.R.A.D.E

Featuring dance, music and a renegade aerial robot, P.A.R.A.D.E. is an epic spectacle created by National Dance Company Wales and the artist Marc Rees.

The momentum gathers outdoors  and protest builds as speakers take to the stage – but is everything as it seems? As you’re guided through an art-installation to take your seats in the theatre you’ll hear  BBC National Orchestra of Wales and be immersed in two dance pieces: a new commission by Marcos Morau, Tundra, and the rarely seen Parade, choreographed by NDCWales artistic director Caroline Finn.

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