With a great deal of humour, pinch of intimacy and a handful of openness When in Roam took the audience along on a personal search for home and belonging.
The work was mindfully crafted allowing dance to interchange with spoken words. Very direct and descriptive gestures entwined with more expressive dancing and areal performance and followed a clear narrative easy to relate to and/or empathise with. All three performers – Thania Acarón, June Campbell-Davies and Juan Leiba – made it feel like they are simply there to open their hearts and share their testimonies. Shifting between solos and dancing together, they each expressed themselves very differently making their stories unique instead of generalising the subject.
Ross Whyte’s sound-score greatly intensified the feel of constant movement, constant pulse of life. It added boldness to the choreography and at points helped the meaning come across.
Having spent a great deal of my life traveling and moving houses, I watched this performance project my own personal struggles to belong and call a place home. The use of props – a black backpack and a tiny model house suspended overheads – awakened a stream of associations making me reflect upon my own past experiences. It was both – an entertaining and a very contemplative afternoon to be part of!