The Performances for the Curious have caused debate and intrigue. The more I see the more I am (mostly) enthralled…
Tuck, Neontopia, Ffresh, Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru
November 4, 2018‘Slay, Girl!’, ‘Werk’, a ‘Yaaas Kween’ – tri dywediad pur gyffredin erbyn hyn. Os na glywsoch chi’r un ohonynt yn…
The Remains of Tom Lehrer, Wales Millennium Centre
November 4, 2017Tom Lehrer has a lot to answer for. There was a time when you couldn’t turn on Radio 4 or…
Trumpageddon, cabaret show, ffresh, Wales Millennium Centre
October 9, 2017Recently performed at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, ‘Trumpageddon’ was presented at the ffresh restaurant in Wales Millennium Centre. The…