Welsh theatre company Motherlode promises their knew play will be allot(ment) of fun and hopes it will really take off….
Rachael Boulton: The Good Earth, Motherlode
October 7, 2016The Good Earth started development in 2013 after I sat down with Gareth Lloyd Roberts at the Wales Millennium Centre…
The Good Earth, Motherlode Theatre
September 21, 2016Fe nryswyd i braidd dros y penwythnos a fu, gan wrth-dystiad dros eirinen wlanog. Denodd y ffug-brotest hon dyrfaoedd lu…
The Good Earth, Motherlode Theatre Company
September 11, 2015In 1973, in the aftermath of the Aberfan disaster of 1966 where a colliery tip collapsed claiming 144 lives,…